Wednesday, May 27, 2015

To the Places We No longer Call Home

It won't be easy
when I try to explain how I feel
like that song about Argentina
my feelings for you are perplexed

I need you to know that
when I left I didn't think it's for good
even my goodbyes were short
like a season
but here I am
thousand miles away from you
not knowing when I'll see you again
and frankly I'm scared
coz things won't be the same again
you won't be a home
and I won't be a resident

I hear others talk about you
I hear about streets I used to wander in
my streets!
and it hurts to see
those streets are no longer mine

one by one
I'll forget
the names of the stations
the streets
the roads I knew by heart
I'll vaguely remember the taste of my favorite coffee
and my favorite place to eat
everyone I know has moved away
I'm scared that I'll be one of those who stand
on the left side of the escalator
maybe this also will change and I won't understand
the new system

when we'll meet again
you'll be the same glorious you
and I'll be a stranger
when we meet again
I'll cry
and you won't recognize me

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